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Event Details

DEFI is delighted to welcome you to their annual event exploring digital education futures. In the morning we will be featuring leaders from the EdTech, political and education fields. After a buffet lunch, we are showcasing EdTech developers, launching a book using a custom ChatGPT and finding out about AI developments in China and the UK through a panel with academics from Peking University and from the University of Cambridge.

Please join us to be informed, inspired and to connect with professionals working across the field of digital education.

Mar 26, 2024

09:00 - 16:30 GMT+0

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Mary Allan Building
University of Cambridge,
Hills Road
Cambridge, CB2 8PH

England, United Kingdom

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  • 09:00 - 09:30Welcome Coffee & Pastries
    This is taking place in the Boulind Suite.

    After registration in the Porters' Lodge please follow signs to the coffee room
    09:30 - 09:45Event Opening
    Welcome by Lord Simon Woolley President of Homerton College
    Introduction & welcome by Professor Sun Hua, Director of Centre for Excellent Teaching and Learning
    Response by Professor Rupert Wegerif & Dr Kevin Martin on behalf of DEFI
    In the Auditorium
    09:45 - 10:15Keynote presentation
    Dr Alina von Davier, Chief of Research at Duolingo English Test will present the latest developments at Duolingo.
    In the Auditorium

    Alina von Davier

    Chief of Research at Duolingo

    10:15 - 10:45Keynote presentation
    Professor Qiu Zeki, Department of Sociology, Peking University talking about high level research ambitions at Peking University.
    In the Auditorium

    Zeqi Qiu

    Professor at Peking University

    10:45 - 11:00Morning Coffee break
    Coffee break in the Boulind Suite
    11:00 - 11:30Keynote presentation
    The Right Honourable Charles Clarke – former Secretary of State for Education
    In the Auditorium

    The Right Honourable Charles Clarke

    Keynote speaker

    11:30 - 12:00Keynote presentation
    DEFI Innovation Lab Lead Dr Casebourne and Futurist Dr Abu Sitta will present their future scanning method and share some insights from their work about possible futures of education.
    In the Auditorium

    Fawaz Abu Sitta

    Research Director of Centre for Futures Studies, Dubai

    Imogen Casebourne

    Innovation Lab research lead at Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI), The Bridge, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

    12:00 - 12:30Q and A session
    All the morning speakers will gather for a Q and A session with the audience hosted by Mark Anderson.
    In the Auditorium

    Mark Anderson

    Quondam Fellow at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

    Alina von Davier

    Chief of Research at Duolingo

    Zeqi Qiu

    Professor at Peking University

    The Right Honourable Charles Clarke

    Keynote speaker

    Fawaz Abu Sitta

    Research Director of Centre for Futures Studies, Dubai

    Imogen Casebourne

    Innovation Lab research lead at Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI), The Bridge, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

    12:30 - 13:30Lunch time
    A buffet lunch will be served in the Boulind Suite
    13:30 - 14:30EdTech Developers Showcase
    Seven EdTech developers share 5 minute pitches about their latest projects followed by a Q and A session with the audience.
    In the Auditorium

    Piyush Ahuja

    Founder of Cambridge Innovation Labs

    Yuekun Li

    Global Business Development at ClassIn

    Harald Manheim

    CPO and Co-founder of Ludenso

    Kevin Martin

    Managing Director of DEFI @ Hughes Hall

    Ian Nairn

    President at C-Learning Ltd

    Tue Bjerl Nielsen

    Director of SmartLearning

    Rohan Sarin

    Product Leader at Speechmatics

    Rebecca Stott

    Director of Education and Thought Leadership at Twinkl Educational Publishing

    14:30 - 14:40Grab a coffee
    14:40 - 15:30Panel discussion - Shaping the future of education: AI exploration and practice
    Three academics from DI-IDEA, Peking University and three from the University of Cambridge will ask and answer questions around the theme of Shaping the future of education: AI exploration and practice.
    This session will be moderated by Professor ZHANG Ying.
    In the Auditorium

    Imogen Casebourne

    Innovation Lab research lead at Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI), The Bridge, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

    Wayne Holmes

    UCL at University College London

    Xingkun Liang

    Associate Professor and Department for Information Management at Peking University

    Steven Watson

    Associate Professor, sociology, philosophy, education and technology at Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge

    Ying Zhang

    Director of Guanghua Center for Digital Education, Peking University

    Jianwei Zhang

    Professor at Peking University

    Zhuo Huang

    Professor at Peking University

    15:30 - 16:15DEFI Book Launch
    Professor Rupert Wegerif and Dr Louis Major, co-authors of recently published book: 'The Theory of Educational Technology: Towards a Dialogic Foundation for Design' will share the key ideas in their book.

    This session is moderated by Dr Mark Carrigan, Lecturer in Education at the Manchester Institute of Education.
    In the Auditorium.

    Mark Carrigan

    Lecturer in Education at University of Manchester

    Louis Major

    Senior Lecturer in Digital Education at University of Manchester

    Rupert Wegerif

    Professor at University of Cambridge

    16:15 - 16:30Closing remarks

    Kevin Martin

    Managing Director of DEFI @ Hughes Hall


  • Fawaz Abu Sitta (Research Director of Centre for Futures Studies, Dubai)

    Fawaz Abu Sitta

    Research Director of Centre for Futures Studies, Dubai

    Read Bio
  • Piyush Ahuja (Founder of Cambridge Innovation Labs)

    Piyush Ahuja

    Founder of Cambridge Innovation Labs

    Read Bio
  • Mark Anderson (Quondam Fellow at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge)

    Mark Anderson

    Quondam Fellow at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

    Read Bio
  • Mark Carrigan (Lecturer in Education at University of Manchester)

    Mark Carrigan

    Lecturer in Education at University of Manchester

    Read Bio
  • Imogen Casebourne (Innovation Lab research lead at Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI), The Bridge, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge)

    Imogen Casebourne

    Innovation Lab research lead at Digital Education Futures Initiative (DEFI), The Bridge, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

    Read Bio
  • The Right Honourable Charles Clarke (Keynote speaker)

    The Right Honourable Charles Clarke

    Keynote speaker

    Read Bio
  • Wayne Holmes (UCL at University College London)

    Wayne Holmes

    UCL at University College London

    Read Bio
  • Sun Hua (Professor at Peking University)

    Sun Hua

    Professor at Peking University

    Read Bio
  • Zhuo Huang (Professor at Peking University)

    Zhuo Huang

    Professor at Peking University

    Read Bio
  • Yuekun Li (Global Business Development at ClassIn)

    Yuekun Li

    Global Business Development at ClassIn

    Read Bio
  • Xingkun Liang (Associate Professor and Department for Information Management at Peking University)

    Xingkun Liang

    Associate Professor and Department for Information Management at Peking University

    Read Bio
  • Bryan Maddox (Digital Assessment Futures Lead at DEFI @ Hughes Hall)

    Bryan Maddox

    Digital Assessment Futures Lead at DEFI @ Hughes Hall

    Read Bio
  • Louis Major (Senior Lecturer in Digital Education at University of Manchester)

    Louis Major

    Senior Lecturer in Digital Education at University of Manchester

    Read Bio
  • Harald Manheim (CPO and Co-founder of Ludenso)

    Harald Manheim

    CPO and Co-founder of Ludenso

    Read Bio
  • Kevin Martin (Managing Director of DEFI @ Hughes Hall)

    Kevin Martin

    Managing Director of DEFI @ Hughes Hall

    Read Bio
  • Ian Nairn (President at C-Learning Ltd)

    Ian Nairn

    President at C-Learning Ltd

    Read Bio
  • Tue Bjerl Nielsen (Director of SmartLearning)

    Tue Bjerl Nielsen

    Director of SmartLearning

    Read Bio
  • Zeqi Qiu (Professor at Peking University)

    Zeqi Qiu

    Professor at Peking University

    Read Bio
  • Rebecca Stott (Director of Education and Thought Leadership at Twinkl Educational Publishing)

    Rebecca Stott

    Director of Education and Thought Leadership at Twinkl Educational Publishing

    Read Bio
  • Rohan Sarin (Product Leader at Speechmatics)

    Rohan Sarin

    Product Leader at Speechmatics

    Read Bio
  • Steven Watson (Associate Professor, sociology, philosophy, education and technology at Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge)

    Steven Watson

    Associate Professor, sociology, philosophy, education and technology at Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge

    Read Bio
  • Rupert Wegerif (Professor at University of Cambridge)

    Rupert Wegerif

    Professor at University of Cambridge

    Read Bio
  • Jianwei Zhang (Professor at Peking University)

    Jianwei Zhang

    Professor at Peking University

    Read Bio
  • Ying Zhang (Director of Guanghua Center for Digital Education, Peking University)

    Ying Zhang

    Director of Guanghua Center for Digital Education, Peking University

    Read Bio
  • Alina von Davier (Chief of Research at Duolingo)

    Alina von Davier

    Chief of Research at Duolingo

    Read Bio