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AI-Empowered Skills: Unlocking Potential or Creating New Gaps?

AI-empowered skills are transforming human capabilities, by leveraging decision-making, problem-solving, and even creative processes. This type of AI-support is aimed at improving performance and efficiency. However, AI does not only entail the potential to support with specific tasks but can also provide scaffolds to support the development of human skills such as self-regulated learning.

This brief session explores the potential and challenges associated with AI-empowered support (for task output) and scaffolding (for human skill development). Core challenges include atrophy of both cognitive and metacognitive abilities, risks to equity and equal access, and the need to develop new skill sets such as AI literacy.


  • Samuel Greiff (Professor of Educational Monitoring & Effectiveness at Technical University of Munich)

    Samuel Greiff

    Professor of Educational Monitoring & Effectiveness at Technical University of Munich

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  • Qiwei (Britt) He (Associate Professor in the Data Science and Analytics Program and Director of the AI-Measurement and Data Science Lab at Georgetown University)

    Qiwei (Britt) He

    Associate Professor in the Data Science and Analytics Program and Director of the AI-Measurement and Data Science Lab at Georgetown University

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  • Bryan Maddox (Research Director, (Digital Assessment Futures), and Honorary Professor, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia)

    Bryan Maddox

    Research Director, (Digital Assessment Futures), and Honorary Professor, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia

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